Unknown Facts About Apricot

* Protective against cancer.

* Includes vitamins A,B,C, proteins,vast amount of sugar and minerals.

* Its high content of vitamin A is important by means of eye health.

* Fortifies cardiac muscle.

* Prevents obesity.

* Beneficial for hemoroid.

* Cleans gall bladder and enhances kidney work.

* Embellishes the skin and protects it against microbes and fungi.

* Protects the skin and it is very effective for healing wounds.

* Prevents peptic and gastric ulcer and effective on recovery of already present ulcer.

* Clears up intestine laziness.

* Regulates blood sugar.

* It is appetizing, hematinic and helps to relieve physical and psychological tiredness.

* Empowers nervous system.

* Regulates sleep stages.